Volunteer Project Page
Coal Creek Family YMCA Backpack Meal Program

Coal Creek Family YMCA

For some kids, school is the only place they are sure to get a meal. The Y is working to change that. Help us prepare backpack meals for kids who identify as being homeless in our community. Bags are filled with food that is child-friendly, nutritious, non-perishable, and easy to eat. Help us develop a sustainable program that will serve youth. Volunteer age requirement: 14+ 15+, 16+, 17+, 18+, 19+, 20+ and 21+

13750 Newcastle Golf Club Rd Newcastle, WA 98059 United States

Contact Sophie Shugarts at sshugarts@seattleymca.org for additional questions or inquiries.

Community Events & Outreach

Community BuildingHomeless & Housing

14 Years Old+15 Years Old+16 Years Old+17 Years Old+18 Years Old+19 Years Old+20 Years Old+21 Years Old+

How You Can Help
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